Neurotransmitter current not flowing through ion channels, Cornell researchers report
Lindau explained that neurotransmitters and hormones are stored in neurons in small packets, membrane-bound vesicles, typically 30 to 300 nanometers in diameter. When a cell is stimulated by electrical activity, calcium ions enter the cell and the vesicles release their contents by fusion with the plasma membrane surrounding the cell.
Prior experiments had suggested that the vesicles contain ion channels that carry charged neurotransmitters from the cell vesicle out of the cell, generating an electrical current flowing out of the cell.
Lindau and colleagues report in their paper that there is no such current present. Their experiments further showed that, instead, the charge compensation is generated by the influx of positive sodium ions from the outside into the vesicles, a process known as electrodiffusion. "Therefore, the ion channels in these vesicles must play a different role that is yet to be discovered," Lindau explained.
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