Genzyme Honored with James D. Watson Helix Award for Biotechnology Industry Leadership
Genzyme Corp. received the 2007 James D. Watson Helix Award, which recognizes companies that have distinguished themselves by setting a singular standard of leadership in scientific innovation and company growth. The award, sponsored by the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) and the State University of New York at Stony Brook's Center for Biotechnology, was presented during BIO's international convention.
Genzyme was selected for the award in the large cap category based on its many accomplishments during 2006, including the approval of the first-ever treatment for Pompe disease, its strong financial performance and its progress in advancing a variety of innovative potential new therapies.
Last year marked the achievement of several significant milestones for Genzyme. In addition to the Myozyme® (alglucosidase alfa) approval, the company recognized its 25th anniversary and launched its Humanitarian Assistance for Neglected Diseases initiative, through which the company is contributing to global health. In 2006, Genzyme made major investments in research programs, clinical trials, infrastructure and product launches. The company increased its manufacturing capacity in Europe and the United States, established a commercial presence in China, and laid important groundwork in India.
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