november AG names GBN Systems GmbH the cooperation partner for subsidiary device development

Changes to the contract with Siemens free the way for a new partner in the analyzer development of directif GmbH


november AG will immediately continue the development of its analyzer for the complete system of rapid and laboratory independent nucleic acid diagnostics, the primary project of its subsidiary directif GmbH, together with GBN Systems GmbH. This is facilitated through contractual changes in cooperation with Siemens AG, the previous strategic partner in the development of the analyzer.

The cooperation with GBN Systems, who develops and produces customer specific electro-technological equipment and fine technological structural components, includes the further development of the analysis device, its transfer into production readiness and manufacture. As both contractual partners are aiming at a long term partnership, the new cooperation is supported by provenion GmbH, a longstanding contractual partner of GBN Systems, which specializes in the development of innovative technologies.

Through the cooperation, the end price for the analysis device will be significantly reduced.

The collaboration with GBN Systems supersedes the previous cooperation with Siemens AG, whose right of exclusivity was rescinded through changes to the previous partnership contract.

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