Dyax Corp. Grants Use of its Antibody Phage Display Libraries to Amgen for Therapeutic Antibody Development
Dyax Corp announced that it has granted a non-exclusive license to its proprietary antibody phage display libraries to Amgen Inc. for the discovery of human antibodies for therapeutic and diagnostic product development. Under the terms of the agreement, Dyax will receive upfront and annual technology license fees, product license exercise fees, clinical milestone payments, and royalties on net sales of products that may result from Amgen's use of the Dyax libraries. The agreement provides Amgen with a license to Dyax's antibody phage display technology and patent rights, as well as sublicenses to relevant third-party antibody phage display patents that may be used with Dyax's technology.
"I continue to be pleased that Dyax is being recognized for the quality of its fully human monoclonal antibody libraries. This agreement with Amgen contributes to Dyax's objective of broadly leveraging our technology into an expanding number of revenue-generating collaborations that lend support to our clinical development programs," stated Henry E. Blair, Chairman, President and CEO of Dyax Corp.
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