High Throughput Genomics (HTG) Announces Genomic Screening Technology Agreement with Celgene Corporation
HTG's ArrayPlate consists of a standard 96-well microplate where each individual well can be programmed for the multiplexed measurement of any set of up to approximately 100 different DNA, RNA or protein target molecules using custom reagent sets (in the case of RNA and DNA, GeneSets™). The RNA expression and DNA assays rely on an optimized and simplified, automation-friendly multiplexed nuclease protection assay (m-NPA™) that requires only the lysis of samples, with no extraction, purification or amplification needed.
Dr. Alan Lewis, President of the Signal Research Division of Celgene Corporation, commented: "The technology we are using from HTG will further enhance our proven, state-of-the-art drug discovery capabilities and allow us to implement pharmacogenomics studies to better understand pathogenesis and management of disease and ultimately to develop personalized medicine strategies." Dr. Bruce Seligmann, Chief Executive Officer of High Throughput Genomics said: "Celgene is a leading drug discovery and development company, and we are excited that they have chosen the ArrayPlate to screen their compounds. They had a choice of partners and we are delighted that they have elected to work with HTG."
HTG markets ArrayPlate assays to pharmaceutical researchers who use the product for target validation, compound screening, safety, and metabolism optimization in drug discovery or diagnostics. Clients can use the ArrayPlate technology on a service basis or through purchase of custom kits, software, and imagers, to establish and validate custom assays, test samples, or perform high throughput screening. and optimization using HTG's proprietary combinatorial chemistry and libraries.
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