Guide to the Purification of Proteins and Antibodies Using Ion Exchange Chromatography

Summarised for you: the most important aspects of method development!
Proteins and antibodies have become indispensable in pharmacy. But as exciting as their use as pharmaceutically active substances is, their purification is also challenging. That is why the most important aspects are summarised for you in this Whitepaper. It describes a comprehensive and efficient approach to complete process development in preparative LC. Starting with method development through loading studies up to the final scale-up, you will find many useful tips and practical examples.
This Whitepaper is therefore an excellent source of knowledge for use in the laboratory which guides you through the following aspects: Downstream strategies for successful purification, applicable separation modes, the correct choice of resin type and particle size as well as the optimisation of chromatographic parameters and purification strategies. Of course, productivity and cost efficiency are always kept in mind!
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Guide to the Purification of Proteins and Antibodies Using Ion Exchange Chromatography
Summarised for you: the most important aspects of method development!