Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM)
About Instituto de Medicina Molecular
At IMM we believe that in order to truly understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the disease process it is crucial to explore an integrated and more holistic view of Medicine. A comprehensive knowledge of the structure of individual molecules and the way they assemble and interact in cells, and how networks of cells function together in an integrated and dynamic manner in tissues, whole organisms and populations will provide valuable insights for the development of new tools for prognosis, diagnosis, and the development of more effective and safer drug treatments and healthcare advice that will ultimately benefit individuals and improve quality of life. The premise Research > Knowledge > Innovation > Quality of Life is, for IMM researchers, promoter and catalyst of the dynamic and participative links that we are determined to establish between the scientific and medical communities, universities, secondary schools and society at large. The steadfast investment on R&D activities and the development of more effective educational and communication resources are top priority initiatives that are being designed with the ultimate goal of stimulating young people's interest in science and scientific professions, and building an informed, participative, innovative and competitive society.
- Industry : Biotechnology