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UHPLC columns at a glance

YMC Accura (U)HPLC columns by YMC
Reliable HPLC results with bioinert columns
Highly accurate results from the first injection: bioinert coated YMC Accura (U)HPLC columns
Exceptional peak shapes with high sensitivities ✓ ✓ Excellent recoveries without column preconditioning ✓ ✓ Superior reproducibility and no carry-over effects ✓ ✓

YMC-SEC MAB , YMC-Pack Diol by YMC
Efficient size exclusion chromatography with YMC-SEC MAB
Analysis of antibodies and aggregates with high stability
YMC-SEC MAB size exclusion column is especially designed for the analysis of antibodies, their fragments and aggregates and provides high resolution
YMC-Triart by YMC
Efficient method development with YMC-Triart chromatography columns
Optimum performance under demanding laboratory conditions
With YMC-Triart reversed phase columns, challenging pH and high temperature conditions are no longer a limitation to the day-to-day work in laboratories.
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Topic world HPLC
HPLC is a key technology in modern analytical chemistry. It enables the separation, identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures with high precision and efficiency. Whether in the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the quality control of foodstuffs or the examination of biological samples - HPLC is often the method of choice for demanding separation tasks.

Topic world HPLC
HPLC is a key technology in modern analytical chemistry. It enables the separation, identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures with high precision and efficiency. Whether in the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the quality control of foodstuffs or the examination of biological samples - HPLC is often the method of choice for demanding separation tasks.
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