Buy Thermo Fisher Scientific Laboratory Consumables

Purchase laboratory consumables the easy way: Discover all products from Thermo Fisher Scientific for the life science industry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected consumables by %facet-links%.

Buy Thermo Fisher Scientific Laboratory Consumables

Purchase laboratory consumables the easy way: Discover all products from Thermo Fisher Scientific for the life science industry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected consumables by %facet-links%.
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SureSTART Vials and Well Plates by Thermo Fisher Scientific

SureSTART autosampler vials for all chromatography applications and budgets

3 performance level: Easily select products suited to your analytical, performance or value needs

Sample security and low compound adsorption to keep your samples safe and secure ✓ Three distinct performance levels to meet your price and performance needs ✓ Complete instrument compatibility for all chromatography autosamplers ✓

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Thermo Scientific ClipTip Pipetting Systems by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Pipette with accuracy, consistency, comfort and speed with the Thermo Scientific ClipTip system

ClipTip locking tip attachment supports low pipetting forces and highly reproducible results

Reduce the risk of strain injury with low pipetting forces and electronic tip ejection options ✓ Achieve accurate and consistent pipetting results between users through interlocking tip attachment ✓ Pipette up to 8 times faster with adjustable tip spacing electronic multichannel options ✓

electronic pipettes manual pipettes multichannel pipettes
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