Buy Products For Stem Cell Research
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Buy Products For Stem Cell Research

Askion FluoS® by Askion
Automated Fluorescence Microscope - now incredibly affordable
Customizable. Affordable. Easy to use.
Customizable: Objective, Fluorescent channels, Front loaded holder, Housing, Software ✓ Excellent Price/Performance Ratio ✓ Intuitive: minimal training is required ✓

Revolutionary imaging with FLUOVIEW FV4000: Confocal laser scanning
Utilise AI-powered image processing and innovative detector technology
Exceptional Imaging Quality and Accuracy ✓ Improved Modularity and Flexibility ✓ AI-Powered Advancements ✓

Innovative Remote Incubation Monitoring System for Cell Cultures
Track the health of cell cultures without removing them from the incubator
Remote monitoring ✓ Consistent results throughout your lab ✓ Avoid contamination ✓
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