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Buy Products For Single Cell Analysis

Singulator™ 100 and 200 von S2 Genomics by Dunn
Tissue dissociation - automatic, fast and precise
High yield with high viability from as little as 1 mg of solid tissue
Automated tissue dissociation into single cells or nuclei suspension ✓ Suitable for samples below 10 mg (2 mg supported) ✓ High yield and viability, reproducible results, fast processing and simple set-up ✓

Ampha X30 by Amphasys
Ampha X30 Single-Cell Analyzer: for the fast and accurate cell analysis
Efficient cell analysis of viability, count and cell status – without dyes, markers, and incubation
One instrument, four chips – analysis of all cells (1µm - 50µm) ✓ Reuse of cells after measurement for sorting and tissue culture ✓ Atline analysis with direct sampling possible ✓

Consumables & Instruments by Azenta
Azenta's Sample Consumables and Instruments
Improve sample tracking, ensure sample integrity, and drive process efficiency
Sample tubes & instruments to support sample security, management, and tracking ✓ PCR & microplate solutions to drive process efficiency ✓ Sample cooling & heating solutions to ensure sample integrity ✓
See the theme worlds for related content
Topic World Cell Analysis
Cell analyse advanced method allows us to explore and understand cells in their many facets. From single cell analysis to flow cytometry and imaging technology, cell analysis provides us with valuable insights into the structure, function and interaction of cells. Whether in medicine, biological research or pharmacology, cell analysis is revolutionizing our understanding of disease, development and treatment options.

Topic World Cell Analysis
Cell analyse advanced method allows us to explore and understand cells in their many facets. From single cell analysis to flow cytometry and imaging technology, cell analysis provides us with valuable insights into the structure, function and interaction of cells. Whether in medicine, biological research or pharmacology, cell analysis is revolutionizing our understanding of disease, development and treatment options.
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