Buy Products For Regenerative Medicine

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Buy Products For Regenerative Medicine

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for regenerative medicine. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by product category or supplier.
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Askion FluoS® by Askion

Automated Fluorescence Microscope - now incredibly affordable

Customizable. Affordable. Easy to use.

Customizable: Objective, Fluorescent channels, Front loaded holder, Housing, Software ✓ Excellent Price/Performance Ratio ✓ Intuitive: minimal training is required ✓

fluorescence microscopes regenerative medicine analytica
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CellGenix® Growth Factors and Cytokines by Sartorius

Recombinant growth factors without animal products

Optimised cell culture for T cells and MSCs in gene therapy

Ensure consistent and reproducible results in cell and gene therapy research using these advanced raw and ancillary materials that are a staple in regenerative medicine.

reagents regenerative medicine cell culturing
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Revolutionary imaging with FLUOVIEW FV4000: Confocal laser scanning

Utilise AI-powered image processing and innovative detector technology

Exceptional Imaging Quality and Accuracy ✓ Improved Modularity and Flexibility ✓ AI-Powered Advancements ✓

laser scanning microscopes regenerative medicine analytica
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Stat Profile Prime CCS Comp by Nova Biomedical

Rethinking cell culture monitoring

Increased efficiency thanks to optimised workflows

Enables targeted testing with 9 key parameters ✓ Allows to improve workflow through eliminating sample-to-sample delay ✓ Simplifies quality control through automated liquid QC with continuous self-monitoring

cell culture systems regenerative medicine antibody production
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Ampha X30 by Amphasys

Ampha X30 Single-Cell Analyzer: for the fast and accurate cell analysis

Efficient cell analysis of viability, count and cell status – without dyes, markers, and incubation

One instrument, four chips – analysis of all cells (1µm - 50µm) ✓ Reuse of cells after measurement for sorting and tissue culture ✓ Atline analysis with direct sampling possible ✓

cell analyzers regenerative medicine analyzers
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Innovative Remote Incubation Monitoring System for Cell Cultures

Track the health of cell cultures without removing them from the incubator

Remote monitoring ✓ Consistent results throughout your lab ✓ Avoid contamination ✓

culture monitoring systems regenerative medicine active ingredient research

Buy products for the lab or the production process

Askion FluoS®

Askion FluoS® by Askion

Automated Fluorescence Microscope - now incredibly affordable

Customizable. Affordable. Easy to use.

fluorescence microscopes
Ampha X30

Ampha X30 by Amphasys

Ampha X30 Single-Cell Analyzer: for the fast and accurate cell analysis

Efficient cell analysis of viability, count and cell status – without dyes, markers, and incubation

cell analyzers
Stat Profile Prime CCS Comp

Stat Profile Prime CCS Comp by Nova Biomedical

Rethinking cell culture monitoring

Increased efficiency thanks to optimised workflows

cell culture systems
CM 20


Innovative Remote Incubation Monitoring System for Cell Cultures

Track the health of cell cultures without removing them from the incubator

culture monitoring systems


Revolutionary imaging with FLUOVIEW FV4000: Confocal laser scanning

Utilise AI-powered image processing and innovative detector technology

laser scanning microscopes
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