Buy Refrigerators And Freezers

Purchase refrigerators and freezers the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for the life science industry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected refrigerators and freezers by product category or supplier.

Buy Refrigerators And Freezers

Purchase refrigerators and freezers the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for the life science industry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected refrigerators and freezers by product category or supplier.

Refrigerators and freezers at a glance

image descriptionNew

Thermo Scientific TSX Universal Series Ultra-low Temperature Freezer by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Over 80 years of innovation packed into the next-generation ultra-low temperature freezer

The pinnacle of reliability, sustainability, and innovation

Quality you can trust ✓ Universally better performance ✓ Greener by design ✓

ultra deep freezers biobanking freezers
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tritec® Chromatographic refrigerators by tritec für Labortechnik und Umweltsimulation

Energy-efficient chromatography refrigerators for precise temperature control

Safe storage of your HPLC systems at -5 °C to 20 °C with modern touchscreen display

With the microprocessor-controlled temperature controller, you have a 100% accurate overview and can adjust and check every setting on the comfortable

chromatography refrigerators HPLC accessories laboratory facilities
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B 35 by FRYKA Kältetechnik

Deep freezer for arctic cold - directly on your lab bench

Your samples - ready to hand thanks to decentralized storage and safely cooled at up to - 85 °C

Cold boxes: quiet, 35 l volume, temperature to -85 ° C, also available with touchscreen, installation directly on the user's desktop

freezers cold boxes cooling devices
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Mobifreeze by LAUDA

Battery-powered, mobile ultra-low temperature freezer - up to 4 h at -80 °C without mains connection

Safe and easy constant-temperature transport

Precise temperature control throughout the cold chain ✓ Safe transportation under controlled conditions ✓ No use of the hazardous substance dry ice ✓

freezing systems ultra deep freezers
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BioStore™ Automated Cryogenic Storage System by Azenta

Azenta's new BioStore Cryogenic Automated Sample Storage System with a Smaller Footprint

Get all the benefits of an automated cryogenic storage system that fits in your standard facility

Store more samples in a limited space ✓ Maintain sample integrity with precise cold chain handling ✓ Report and control inventory data in real time ✓

laboratory freezers biobanking biosamples

Buy refrigerators and freezers for the lab or the production process

Thermo Scientific TSX Universal Series Ultra-low Temperature Freezer New

Thermo Scientific TSX Universal Series Ultra-low Temperature Freezer by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Over 80 years of innovation packed into the next-generation ultra-low temperature freezer

The pinnacle of reliability, sustainability, and innovation

ultra deep freezers
B 35

B 35 by FRYKA Kältetechnik

Deep freezer for arctic cold - directly on your lab bench

Your samples - ready to hand thanks to decentralized storage and safely cooled at up to - 85 °C

tritec® Chromatographic refrigerators

tritec® Chromatographic refrigerators by tritec für Labortechnik und Umweltsimulation

Energy-efficient chromatography refrigerators for precise temperature control

Safe storage of your HPLC systems at -5 °C to 20 °C with modern touchscreen display

chromatography refrigerators

Mobifreeze by LAUDA

Battery-powered, mobile ultra-low temperature freezer - up to 4 h at -80 °C without mains connection

Safe and easy constant-temperature transport

freezing systems
BioStore™ Automated Cryogenic Storage System

BioStore™ Automated Cryogenic Storage System by Azenta

Azenta's new BioStore Cryogenic Automated Sample Storage System with a Smaller Footprint

Get all the benefits of an automated cryogenic storage system that fits in your standard facility

laboratory freezers
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