Process Products for Life Sciences, Biotech, and Pharma
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Vericheck ddPCR™ Empty-Full Capsid Kit by Bio-Rad Laboratories
Empty-to-Full Capsid Ratio Analysis For AAV-based Gene Therapy
Results within a day! Accurately measure protein & DNA simultaneously using ddPCR Technology
Sample Type - Crude lysate or purified samples, from as little as 2 µl (106 virus particles) ✓ Faster, highly precise results - CV <5%, up to 14 samples per plate in less than 1 day ✓ Simplified data analysis –simultaneous results for genome titer, capsid titer, empty-full ratio ✓
fully automated Askion FluoM® by Askion
Fully automated fluorescence microscope: precise, efficient and flexible for every application
Individually configurable, high throughput rate and versatile in research and diagnostics
High accuracy and repeatability ✓ Time efficiency and high throughput rate ✓ Flexibility and customisation ✓
Octave BIO MCC System by Tosoh
Holistic Multi-Column Chromatography Solution
Flexible operation from parallel batches through SMB to integrated continuous processing
Up to 90% resin savings due to higher productivity ✓ Up to 40% solvent savings due to better utilization of the column bed ✓ Seamless scale-up from mg- to kg-range of purified product ✓
Large capcity CellXpert® CS220 CO2 Incubator Shaker by Eppendorf
First CO₂ Incubator Shaker with Integrated 180°C Sterilization
Maximize capacity and safety for your mammalian shake flask cultures
Prevents contamination with stainless steel chamber and integrated 180°C sterilization ✓ Increases flask capacity by up to 40%, improving efficiency ✓ Continuous 24/7 operation ensures consistent research output ✓
Verso Q-Series by Hamilton Storage
Automated Sample Storage Right Where You Need It
Take Full Control of Your Samples
Extremely compact footprint ✓ Capacity: Up to 152,900 tubes ✓ Temperature Range: Ambient to -20°C ✓
YMC HT Glassäulen by YMC
YMC HT Glass Columns
Pack your own MPLC glass columns, ideal for temperature sensitive applications
Temperature range of 4-70°C ✓ Easy handling and quick column packing ✓ Suitable for all resins ✓
claire® neo by Berner International
Modern safety cabinets for efficient work
claire® neo: Modular, user-friendly and digitally networked
Best planning capability thanks to production in grid dimensions ✓ Optimum functionality with a wide range of retrofit options ✓ Optimum functionality with a wide range of retrofit options ✓
Zoom HT by Berthold Technologies
Fast, automated sample processing for 96- and 384-well formats
High-throughput microplate washing and dispensing for high throughput rates
Designed for speed: the Zoom HT takes only 14.5 seconds for a triple wash of a 96-well microplate ✓ Designed for continuous processing: build-in stacker for automated handling of large plate batches ✓ Designed for low residual volumes: residual volumes of <1 μL/well resulting in low background ✓
BioProfile Fast CDV by Nova Biomedical
FDA-compliant cell analysis with high throughput rates
Automated cell density and viability measurement in just 1 minute
Flexible - 100 µl samples for 5e4 to 140e6 cells/mL ✓ Fast - throughput of 45 samples per hour ✓ High quality - 21 CFR Part 11 compliant software ✓
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