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Buy Products For Protein Development

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for protein development. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by supplier.
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Octet RH16 and RH96 by Sartorius

Efficient protein analysis for process optimisation and manufacturing control in high-throughput

Label-free protein quantification and characterization of protein-protein interactions

High-throughput - up to 96 samples or 96 assays in parallel ✓ Control of critical quality attributes (CQAs) during the manufacturing processes ✓ Fully automated - integrates seamlessly into development or production processes ✓

protein analyzers protein development active ingredient research
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Octet SF3 by Sartorius

Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) using Single Dynamic Injections for Kinetics and Affinities

Curvature is Key - Adding a ‘Third Dimension’ to the Binding Curve

Time and cost savings – No need to make multiple concentration dilutions ✓ High throughput - Automated capacity of up to 768 samples per run ✓ Versatility - Perform competition screens in addition to affinity screens ✓

protein development active ingredient research affinity characterization
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