Process Products for Life Sciences, Biotech, and Pharma


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Vericheck ddPCR™ Empty-Full Capsid Kit by Bio-Rad Laboratories

Empty-to-Full Capsid Ratio Analysis For AAV-based Gene Therapy

Results within a day! Accurately measure protein & DNA simultaneously using ddPCR Technology

Sample Type - Crude lysate or purified samples, from as little as 2 µl (106 virus particles) ✓ Faster, highly precise results - CV <5%, up to 14 samples per plate in less than 1 day ✓ Simplified data analysis –simultaneous results for genome titer, capsid titer, empty-full ratio ✓

AAV analysis assay kits capsids
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fully automated Askion FluoM® by Askion

Fully automated fluorescence microscope: precise, efficient and flexible for every application

Individually configurable, high throughput rate and versatile in research and diagnostics

High accuracy and repeatability ✓ Time efficiency and high throughput rate ✓ Flexibility and customisation ✓

Autoimmune diagnostics cancer diagnostics cell biology
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Octave BIO MCC System by Tosoh

Holistic Multi-Column Chromatography Solution

Flexible operation from parallel batches through SMB to integrated continuous processing

Up to 90% resin savings due to higher productivity ✓ Up to 40% solvent savings due to better utilization of the column bed ✓ Seamless scale-up from mg- to kg-range of purified product ✓

antibody purification biomolecule purification biopharmaceutical production
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Large capcity CellXpert® CS220 CO2 Incubator Shaker by Eppendorf

First CO₂ Incubator Shaker with Integrated 180°C Sterilization

Maximize capacity and safety for your mammalian shake flask cultures

Prevents contamination with stainless steel chamber and integrated 180°C sterilization ✓ Increases flask capacity by up to 40%, improving efficiency ✓ Continuous 24/7 operation ensures consistent research output ✓

antibody analysis biosimilar production cellular therapies
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Verso Q-Series by Hamilton Storage

Automated Sample Storage Right Where You Need It

Take Full Control of Your Samples

Extremely compact footprint ✓ Capacity: Up to 152,900 tubes ✓ Temperature Range: Ambient to -20°C ✓

sample management sample storage sample storage systems
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YMC HT Glassäulen by YMC

YMC HT Glass Columns

Pack your own MPLC glass columns, ideal for temperature sensitive applications

Temperature range of 4-70°C ✓ Easy handling and quick column packing ✓ Suitable for all resins ✓

biochromatography chromatography columns glass columns




Industry-optimized ERP for the life sciences

Biotech, pharmaceuticals, food or chemicals: YAVEON ProBatch is perfectly tailored to your needs

YMC-Triart Prep

YMC-Triart Prep by YMC

High-performance hybrid silica for preparative chromatography

Increased stability and longer lifetime for more efficient processes

chromatography sorbents
BioPro IEX Bulk Resins

BioPro IEX Bulk Resins by YMC

High-performance ion exchange resins for biochromatography

Optimised purification of proteins and other biomolecules

chromatography resins
qTOWER iris

qTOWER iris by Analytik Jena

Real-time PCR thermal cycler qTOWER iris

Feel Free to Explore!

real-time PCR thermocyclers
2060 The NIR-R Analyzer

2060 The NIR-R Analyzer by Metrohm

Efficient inline analysis for liquids and solids

Versatile NIR analyzer for real-time process control

NIR spectrometers
2060 Raman Analyzer

2060 Raman Analyzer by Metrohm

Revolutionize your production: real-time Raman analysis for maximum efficiency

Self-monitoring high-throughput spectrometer: efficient process control in any process environment

Raman spectrometers
Microbiology QC lab filtration products

Microbiology QC lab filtration products by Cytiva

Microbiology QC lab filtration products

Microbiology QC membrane filtration solutions designed for ease-of-use and contamination control

laboratory filters

AcroPrep by Cytiva

Multi-well filtration plates

Select the right plate for your high throughput applications

filter plates
Cell culture filtration solutions

Cell culture filtration solutions by Cytiva

Cell culture filtration products

High-performance sterile filtration for media, protein purification, and cell culture

QX600 Droplet Digital PCR System

QX600 Droplet Digital PCR System by Bio-Rad Laboratories

Precise multiplex genome analysis: up to 12 markers per well

Maximum efficiency and sensitivity with the 6-colour droplet digital PCR system

Droplet Digital PCR systems

Select process products for your application

Octave BIO MCC System New

Octave BIO MCC System by Tosoh

Holistic Multi-Column Chromatography Solution

Flexible operation from parallel batches through SMB to integrated continuous processing

chromatography systems
Hose pressure transducer

Hose pressure transducer by HiTec Zang

Contactless pressure measurement for sterile applications

Easy-to-install tubing pressure sensors for diameters from 4.8-19.1 mm

hose pressure sensors
CHOventure Growth Medium

CHOventure Growth Medium by Capricorn Scientific

High-Yield Protein Production with CHO Cells for Biopharmaceutical Applications

Optimized for High-Density Cultures and Enhanced Protein Yields in CHO Cell Bioprocessing

cell culture media
Biostat STR

Biostat STR by Sartorius

Biostat STR Generation 3 Bioreactors

Engineered for Ultimate Upstream Performance



Industry-optimized ERP for the life sciences

Biotech, pharmaceuticals, food or chemicals: YAVEON ProBatch is perfectly tailored to your needs

Clipster® Blades for Tool Size L

Clipster® Blades for Tool Size L by Sartorius

Fast and safe disconnection of tubing with validated sterility

Robust disposable solution for platinum-cured silicone and thermoplastic tubing

sterile disconnectors
Clipster® Hand Held Tool for Size L

Clipster® Hand Held Tool for Size L by Sartorius

Sterile clamping made easy: efficient, validatable disposable solution

Easy-to-use, portable hand-held device for maximum safety

sterile disconnectors
Biowelder® Total Containment

Biowelder® Total Containment by Sartorius

Precise welding for biopharmaceutical tubing systems

Seamless connections of up to 2.5 cm TPE tubing in seconds

connecting systems
Tuflux® SIL Braided Tube

Tuflux® SIL Braided Tube by Sartorius

Safe fluid transfer with platinum-cured silicone tubi

Reinforced with PET fabric, temperature-resistant and certified

silicon tubes
Sartopure® PP3

Sartopure® PP3 by Sartorius

Efficient prefiltration with PP3 technology

Reduce your filtration costs and improve the protection of downstream systems


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