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Buy Products For Peptide Analysis

YMC Accura (U)HPLC columns by YMC
Reliable HPLC results with bioinert columns
Highly accurate results from the first injection: bioinert coated YMC Accura (U)HPLC columns
Exceptional peak shapes with high sensitivities ✓ ✓ Excellent recoveries without column preconditioning ✓ ✓ Superior reproducibility and no carry-over effects ✓ ✓
Customer Training and Education by YMC
Advanced training in HPLC: Flexible and customised
Improve your laboratory performance with practice-orientated training courses on site or online
Topics and duration according to your specific requirements ✓ Date and location by choice ✓ Flexible number of attendees ✓ Fixed costs

YMC-SEC MAB , YMC-Pack Diol by YMC
Efficient size exclusion chromatography with YMC-SEC MAB
Analysis of antibodies and aggregates with high stability
YMC-SEC MAB size exclusion column is especially designed for the analysis of antibodies, their fragments and aggregates and provides high resolution

Air bubble-free chromatography on a pilot scale
Easy handling and biocompatible metal-free flow path
Excellent packing results due to the unique drain function ✓ Simple unpacking and cleaning with the removable column body ✓ Metal-free flow path for full biocompatibility ✓

Nexera XS inert by Shimadzu
Reproducible and highly detectable chromatography for biomolecules
More reliability and clarity for your chromatography
High data quality and sensitivity due to steel-free materials in the UHPLC flow line ✓ More data reliability, more sample information and less sample loss due to sharper peaks ✓ Reliable reproducibility from the first injection without adsorption of the analytes ✓
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