Buy Laboratory Microscopes For Medicine

Purchase laboratory microscopes the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for medicine. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected microscopes by product category or supplier.

Buy Laboratory Microscopes For Medicine

Purchase laboratory microscopes the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for medicine. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected microscopes by product category or supplier.
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fully automated Askion FluoM® by Askion

Fully automated fluorescence microscope: precise, efficient and flexible for every application

Individually configurable, high throughput rate and versatile in research and diagnostics

High accuracy and repeatability ✓ Time efficiency and high throughput rate ✓ Flexibility and customisation ✓

fluorescence microscopes medicine Autoimmune diagnostics
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DM3000 LED by Leica

Uniquely ergonomic microscopes with smart automation

Optimize laboratory workflow

Speed up your analysis with a very fast toggle mode ✓ Automatic light adjustment to protect your eyes from glare and work more safely and efficiently ✓ A variety of contrast techniques to meet any analysis requirement ✓

transmitted light microscopes medicine cytology
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alpha300 R by WITec

3D Raman microscopes with unequalled speed, sensitivity and resolution

Visualize and characterize every chemical detail

Only ultrasensitive WITec technology combines the highest spectral performance, speed and unrivaled 3D resolution in one instrument

Raman microscopes medicine biomedicine
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Askion FluoS® by Askion

Automated Fluorescence Microscope - now incredibly affordable

Customizable. Affordable. Easy to use.

Customizable: Objective, Fluorescent channels, Front loaded holder, Housing, Software ✓ Excellent Price/Performance Ratio ✓ Intuitive: minimal training is required ✓

fluorescence microscopes medicine Autoimmune diagnostics
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Cryo-TEM: Fast and stable data acquisition for biosamples

Increased efficiency in structural biology with automated sample loading system

Outstanding long proven cold FEG technology ✓ Unique robotic JEOL sample loading ✓ High class JEOL in-column energy filters (with 30y of experiences!) ✓

microscopes medicine biomedicine
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Revolutionary imaging with FLUOVIEW FV4000: Confocal laser scanning

Utilise AI-powered image processing and innovative detector technology

Exceptional Imaging Quality and Accuracy ✓ Improved Modularity and Flexibility ✓ AI-Powered Advancements ✓

laser scanning microscopes medicine regenerative medicine

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