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Buy Products For Light Sources

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for light sources. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by product category or supplier.
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ÄKTA pure micro by Cytiva

Maximum separation performance with minimum sample volume

ÄKTA pure micro: Efficient solutions for micropreparative columns

High performance for increased resolution with minimized internal volumes ✓ Allows for fraction collection in small droplets ✓ Equip your ÄKTA pure 25M for micropreparative runs using our Micro kit ✓

chromatography systems light sources multi-angle light scattering
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LenS3 MALS Detector by Tosoh

Precise Characterization of Small Macromolecules from 2-50 NM for Uhplc 2-50 nm for UHPLC and SEC

MALS detector ✓ Direct characterization of macromolecules down to 2 nm Rg ✓ Highly sensitive thanks to green laser ✓ Can be coupled with HPLC and UHPLC ✓

MALS detectors light sources multi-angle light scattering
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Accusizer by Soliton Laser- und Messtechnik

Optical Particle Sizing System from 1nm - 400µm

Optical particle measurement for laboratory and process control

Measurement of particle sizes outside the expected distribution ✓ ZETA potential measurement ✓ nanoparticle measurement ✓

particle analyzers light sources dynamic light scattering
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BeNano Serie by 3P INSTRUMENTS

Particle analysis, zeta potential and molecular weight determination: three methods, one solution!

Determination of particle size, molecular weight and zeta potential

Wide concentration range thanks to detection at 90° and in backscattering direction at 173° ✓ Three methods in one instrument: dynamic, electrophoretic and static light scattering ✓ Wide range of applications from protein analysis and pharmaceuticals to pigments, paints and ceramic ✓

light sources dynamic light scattering electrophoretic light scattering
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PharmaCount™ Particle Count Controls by Applied Microspheres

Both Particle Size Standards and Count Controls

Traceable both to the international System of Units (SI) and NIST

Meeting the requirements of various international Pharmacopiea ✓ Highest international metrological standard available ✓ Made in Germany ✓

particle analyzers light sources dynamic light scattering
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DynaPro Plate Reader III by Wyatt Technology

Screening of biopharmaceuticals and proteins with high-throughput dynamic light scattering (DLS)

Efficiently characterize your sample quality and stability from lead discovery to quality control

Revolutionize your performance by transforming your conventional, batch dynamic light scattering system into the stable, automated DynaPro Plate Reader

particle analyzers light sources dynamic light scattering
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SEC-MALS-complete-System by Wyatt Technology

Absolute molar mass, radius and distributions in one software

Characterization of macromolecules with one system and one software

Absolute molar mass and radius without standards ✓ Robust and easy to use system with one software ✓ Viral-vector-module for AAV and other viruses - concentration, aggregation and payload content

SEC systems light sources dynamic light scattering

Buy products for the lab or the production process

ÄKTA pure micro

ÄKTA pure micro by Cytiva

Maximum separation performance with minimum sample volume

ÄKTA pure micro: Efficient solutions for micropreparative columns

chromatography systems
LenS3 MALS Detector

LenS3 MALS Detector by Tosoh

Precise Characterization of Small Macromolecules from 2-50 NM for Uhplc 2-50 nm for UHPLC and SEC

MALS detectors
PharmaCount™ Particle Count Controls

PharmaCount™ Particle Count Controls by Applied Microspheres

Both Particle Size Standards and Count Controls

Traceable both to the international System of Units (SI) and NIST

particle analyzers
DynaPro Plate Reader III

DynaPro Plate Reader III by Wyatt Technology

Screening of biopharmaceuticals and proteins with high-throughput dynamic light scattering (DLS)

Efficiently characterize your sample quality and stability from lead discovery to quality control

particle analyzers

SEC-MALS-complete-System by Wyatt Technology

Absolute molar mass, radius and distributions in one software

Characterization of macromolecules with one system and one software

SEC systems

Accusizer by Soliton Laser- und Messtechnik

Optical Particle Sizing System from 1nm - 400µm

Optical particle measurement for laboratory and process control

particle analyzers
BeNano Serie

BeNano Serie by 3P INSTRUMENTS

Particle analysis, zeta potential and molecular weight determination: three methods, one solution!

Determination of particle size, molecular weight and zeta potential

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