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Buy Products For Forensics

alpha300 R by WITec
3D Raman microscopes with unequalled speed, sensitivity and resolution
Visualize and characterize every chemical detail
Only ultrasensitive WITec technology combines the highest spectral performance, speed and unrivaled 3D resolution in one instrument

SPEX 6875D Freezer / Mill® cryogenic grinder by C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik
High-performance cryomill for sensitive laboratory samples
Precise sample preparation through nitrogen-cooled grinding systems
Comminuting and homogenizing soft, flexible or heat-sensitive materials in the laboratory can be challenging. Conventional methods often reach their l

Real-time qPCR Mixe by Jena Bioscience
Real-time qPCR Mixes at your convenience
Quantitative detection of DNA or RNA in medical diagnostics, food analysis, research and pharma
Multiplex Mixes for diagnostic applications ✓ Direct Mixes for robust amplification ✓ Freeze-dried Mixes for easiest assay setup ✓
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