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Cell Analyzer CytoDirect by Mettler-Toledo
CytoDirect Stain-Free Automated Cell Counter
Reliable Cell Concentration and Cell Viability Assay by OneClick
Extra-large measurement area ✓ Elimination of cell staining ✓ Portable, robust design ✓

FireSting-PRO by PyroScience
New fiber optic measuring device: Precise measurements even in the smallest volumes
Measure pH, oxygen and temperature even under sterile conditions
Measure important analytes in a single sample at high precision with maximum flexibility ✓ Many different sensor formats available, now also pre-calibrated & sterile sensors ✓ One Device for O2, pH and Temperature-Many Applications in Life Sciences ✓

CyBio FeliX by Analytik Jena
Automation of Cellular Assays
Flexible Pipetting Platform for Fully Automated Single to Multichannel Liquid Handling
Save lab space and time ✓ Reliability, robustness and precision ✓ Cost efficient ✓

NGC - Next Generation Chromatography by Bio-Rad Laboratories
Innovative chromatography for precise results
Flexible, modular NGC system with state-of-the-art software and automation
A single solution that aligns to your needs today and expands to support your future discoveries ✓ A flexible system that adapts to your requirements and can be customized to suit your applications ✓ An intelligent design that ensures functional simplicity and guides you through your experiments ✓

qTOWER³ auto by Analytik Jena
Real-time PCR - fully automated for maximum efficiency
Compact, reliable and cost-effective qPCR thermal cycler for high throughput
Simple and fast device integration into automation systems ✓ Increased throughput with up to four real-time thermal cyclers in a liquid handling system ✓ Device security and automation extends walkaway times ✓

CyBio Well vario by Analytik Jena
Innovation in sample preparation thanks to adjustable pipetting heads
The CyBio Well vario system opens up new approaches in high-throughput screening
Flexibility and precision through exchangeable pipetting heads ✓ High precision down to the nanolitre range through proven pipetting and capillary technology ✓ Simultaneous pipetting with 96, 384 and 1536 channels ✓

CyBio SELMA by Analytik Jena
Semi-automatic pipetting station for maximum accuracy
Discover the space-saving pipetting solution for 96- and 384-well plates now
CyBio SELMA offers fast and precise pipetting for reproducible results ✓ Space-saving design that can be integrated on any standard laboratory bench ✓ CyBio SELMA is easy to use, thanks to user-guided, memorisable methods ✓

SPECTROstar Nano by BMG Labtech
UV/Vis measurements for microplates and cuvettes in the blink of an eye
Efficient assay performance thanks to predefined protocols
Absorbance meter for microtiter plates and cuvettes ✓ from 0.3 µl sample volume ✓ <1s measuring time/well ✓ Up to 900 data points per well ✓ Robot compatible

ColorFlex L2 by HunterLab Europe
Precise color measurement for any type of sample
Robust design, simple operation - results in seconds
High precision - Exact color measurements thanks to 45°/0° geometry ✓ Easy operation - Intuitive user interface for quick and uncomplicated analyses ✓ Suitable for translucent, opaque, liquid, solid or pasty samples ✓

Aeros by HunterLab Europe
Non-contact Color Measurement Made Easy for Irregularly Shaped Samples
Reproducible and Automated Color Measurement as Seen by the Eye
Non-contact color measurement for sensitive, inhomogeneous or irregularly shaped samples ✓ Measurement without plastic or glass barriers directly on the surface for many possible applications ✓ Seamless integration into existing systems thanks to compatibility with LIMS and SPC systems ✓
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