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Buy Products For Chemistry

CyBio SELMA by Analytik Jena
Semi-automatic pipetting station for maximum accuracy
Discover the space-saving pipetting solution for 96- and 384-well plates now
CyBio SELMA offers fast and precise pipetting for reproducible results ✓ Space-saving design that can be integrated on any standard laboratory bench ✓ CyBio SELMA is easy to use, thanks to user-guided, memorisable methods ✓

UNISTAT by Huber Kältemaschinenbau
Green Line: Accurate and sustainable temperature control systems for laboratories and industry
Increase your process efficiency with innovative temperature control solutions and low environmental impact
Powerful, seal-free circulation pump with magnetic coupling ✓ All safety circuits Performance Level C or higher (DIN EN ISO 13849-1) ✓ Improved temperature control speed due to reduced filling volume ✓

SPECTROstar Nano by BMG Labtech
UV/Vis measurements for microplates and cuvettes in the blink of an eye
Efficient assay performance thanks to predefined protocols
Absorbance meter for microtiter plates and cuvettes ✓ from 0.3 µl sample volume ✓ <1s measuring time/well ✓ Up to 900 data points per well ✓ Robot compatible

Milli-Q® IX 7003/05/10/15 by Merck Life Science
Consistent and Reliable Type 2 Pure Water Quality
Reliable Pure Type 2 Water Purification Systems for results reproducibility & Lab productivity
Constant-quality Elix pure water ✓ Mercury-free UV lamps ✓ Greener Alternative Products ✓

alpha300 R by WITec
3D Raman microscopes with unequalled speed, sensitivity and resolution
Visualize and characterize every chemical detail
Only ultrasensitive WITec technology combines the highest spectral performance, speed and unrivaled 3D resolution in one instrument

Ultratemp by LAUDA
High-Performance Temperature Control for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering
The LAUDA Ultratemp process thermostats enable precise temperature control in the range of -5 °C to 60 °C with high temperature stability of ±0.5 K. They are specifically designed for biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications and are ideal for bioreactors with volumes from 2,000 to 5,000 liters.

CIMmultus® by Sartorius
Ready-to-use chromatography columns for bioseparation
High-performance monoliths for the purification of biomolecules - reusable and scalable
Increase the efficiency of your bioseparation processes with the ready-to-use CIMmultus® Monoliths - no tedious column packing, ready to use.

Tuflux® SIL Tube by Sartorius
High-performance silicone tubing for pharmaceutical processes
Suitable for gamma sterilisation and autoclaving, available in 7 sizes
Rely on the resistant TuFlux SIL silicone tubing for pharmaceutical applications, from media processing to cell harvesting - for successful production processes.

Limsophy by AAC Infotray
Optimise your laboratory processes with Limsophy LIMS
Seamless integration and process optimisation in laboratory data management
Data must be able to bypass systems and technologies easily and persist over time. The software Limsophy helps hereby

claire® neo by Berner International
Modern safety cabinets for efficient work
claire® neo: Modular, user-friendly and digitally networked
Best planning capability thanks to production in grid dimensions ✓ Optimum functionality with a wide range of retrofit options ✓ Optimum functionality with a wide range of retrofit options ✓
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