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Buy Products For Cellular Biomechanics

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for cellular biomechanics. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by supplier.
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Flexcell Zelldehnungsbioreaktoren für zelluläre Biomechanik-Anwendungen by Dunn

Cell Stretching Bioreactors for Life Science Research

Used in over 1300 laboratories worldwide, and cited in over 9000 research publications

Applies a defined, controlled, static or variable duration cyclic tension to 2D/3D cell cultures ✓ Multiple frequencies and waveforms can be programmed via FlexSoft software in one regimen ✓ Simulates in vivo strains in cells from muscle, lung, heart, skin, tendon, cartilage, and bone ✓

bioreactors cellular biomechanics biomechanics
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