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Buy Products For Biosimilar Production

Large capcity CellXpert® CS220 CO2 Incubator Shaker by Eppendorf
First CO₂ Incubator Shaker with Integrated 180°C Sterilization
Maximize capacity and safety for your mammalian shake flask cultures
Prevents contamination with stainless steel chamber and integrated 180°C sterilization ✓ Increases flask capacity by up to 40%, improving efficiency ✓ Continuous 24/7 operation ensures consistent research output ✓

CHOventure Growth Medium by Capricorn Scientific
High-Yield Protein Production with CHO Cells for Biopharmaceutical Applications
Optimized for High-Density Cultures and Enhanced Protein Yields in CHO Cell Bioprocessing
High Titer Expression: Maximum productivity, achieving protein yields up to 15 g/L ✓ Sustained Viability: Up to 100% viability for 14 days with VCD values up to 25M cells/ml ✓ Improved Protein Quality: Enhanced protein folding and consistent posttranslational modifications ✓

BioProfile FLEX2 by Nova Biomedical
Avoid cross-contamination in the bioreactor - Fully automated sampling and analysis
GMP-compliant solution for more efficient R&D and production
Fully automated sampling and analysis for up to 10 bioreactors ✓ High sample troughput enabling analysis of up to 240 samples per day ✓ Walkaway automation for up to 3 weeks

Stat Profile Prime CCS Comp by Nova Biomedical
Rethinking cell culture monitoring
Increased efficiency thanks to optimised workflows
Enables targeted testing with 9 key parameters ✓ Allows to improve workflow through eliminating sample-to-sample delay ✓ Simplifies quality control through automated liquid QC with continuous self-monitoring
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