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Buy Products For Automation Technology

Purchase products the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for automation technology. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected products by product category or supplier.
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Cell Analyzer CytoDirect by Mettler-Toledo

CytoDirect Stain-Free Automated Cell Counter

Reliable Cell Concentration and Cell Viability Assay by OneClick

Extra-large measurement area ✓ Elimination of cell staining ✓ Portable, robust design ✓

automatic cell counters automation technology cell counters
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FireSting-PRO by PyroScience

New fiber optic measuring device: Precise measurements even in the smallest volumes

Measure pH, oxygen and temperature even under sterile conditions

Measure important analytes in a single sample at high precision with maximum flexibility ✓ Many different sensor formats available, now also pre-calibrated & sterile sensors ✓ One Device for O2, pH and Temperature-Many Applications in Life Sciences ✓

measuring instruments automation technology Inline Measurement
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CyBio FeliX by Analytik Jena

Automation of Cellular Assays

Flexible Pipetting Platform for Fully Automated Single to Multichannel Liquid Handling

Save lab space and time ✓ Reliability, robustness and precision ✓ Cost efficient ✓

pipetting robots automation technology lab automation
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qTOWER³ auto by Analytik Jena

Real-time PCR - fully automated for maximum efficiency

Compact, reliable and cost-effective qPCR thermal cycler for high throughput

Simple and fast device integration into automation systems ✓ Increased throughput with up to four real-time thermal cyclers in a liquid handling system ✓ Device security and automation extends walkaway times ✓

real-time PCR thermocyclers automation technology lab automation
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CyBio SELMA by Analytik Jena

Semi-automatic pipetting station for maximum accuracy

Discover the space-saving pipetting solution for 96- and 384-well plates now

CyBio SELMA offers fast and precise pipetting for reproducible results ✓ Space-saving design that can be integrated on any standard laboratory bench ✓ CyBio SELMA is easy to use, thanks to user-guided, memorisable methods ✓

pipettors automation technology lab automation
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SPECTROstar Nano by BMG Labtech

UV/Vis measurements for microplates and cuvettes in the blink of an eye

Efficient assay performance thanks to predefined protocols

Absorbance meter for microtiter plates and cuvettes ✓ from 0.3 µl sample volume ✓ <1s measuring time/well ✓ Up to 900 data points per well ✓ Robot compatible

microplate readers automation technology lab automation
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ColorFlex L2 by HunterLab Europe

Precise color measurement for any type of sample

Robust design, simple operation - results in seconds

High precision - Exact color measurements thanks to 45°/0° geometry ✓ Easy operation - Intuitive user interface for quick and uncomplicated analyses ✓ Suitable for translucent, opaque, liquid, solid or pasty samples ✓

colorimeters automation technology laboratory measurement technology
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Aeros by HunterLab Europe

Non-contact Color Measurement Made Easy for Irregularly Shaped Samples

Reproducible and Automated Color Measurement as Seen by the Eye

Non-contact color measurement for sensitive, inhomogeneous or irregularly shaped samples ✓ Measurement without plastic or glass barriers directly on the surface for many possible applications ✓ Seamless integration into existing systems thanks to compatibility with LIMS and SPC systems ✓

colorimeters automation technology laboratory measurement technology
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X-TubeProcessor_Smart by HTI Automation

The smart solution for filling and labeling your HPLC, cryo and micro tubes

From opening to closing. Free your laboratory from monotonous work

Opening and screwing - fast and reproducible ✓ Filling - easy and accurate ✓ Labeling - precise and clean ✓

laboratory robots automation technology lab automation
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Limsophy by AAC Infotray

Optimise your laboratory processes with Limsophy LIMS

Seamless integration and process optimisation in laboratory data management

Data must be able to bypass systems and technologies easily and persist over time. The software Limsophy helps hereby

laboratory information management systems automation technology data management

Buy products for the lab or the production process

Cell Analyzer CytoDirect New

Cell Analyzer CytoDirect by Mettler-Toledo

CytoDirect Stain-Free Automated Cell Counter

Reliable Cell Concentration and Cell Viability Assay by OneClick

automatic cell counters
qTOWER³ auto

qTOWER³ auto by Analytik Jena

Real-time PCR - fully automated for maximum efficiency

Compact, reliable and cost-effective qPCR thermal cycler for high throughput

real-time PCR thermocyclers

FireSting-PRO by PyroScience

New fiber optic measuring device: Precise measurements even in the smallest volumes

Measure pH, oxygen and temperature even under sterile conditions

measuring instruments

Aeros by HunterLab Europe

Non-contact Color Measurement Made Easy for Irregularly Shaped Samples

Reproducible and Automated Color Measurement as Seen by the Eye

ColorFlex L2

ColorFlex L2 by HunterLab Europe

Precise color measurement for any type of sample

Robust design, simple operation - results in seconds

CyBio FeliX

CyBio FeliX by Analytik Jena

Automation of Cellular Assays

Flexible Pipetting Platform for Fully Automated Single to Multichannel Liquid Handling

pipetting robots

CyBio SELMA by Analytik Jena

Semi-automatic pipetting station for maximum accuracy

Discover the space-saving pipetting solution for 96- and 384-well plates now

SPECTROstar Nano

SPECTROstar Nano by BMG Labtech

UV/Vis measurements for microplates and cuvettes in the blink of an eye

Efficient assay performance thanks to predefined protocols

microplate readers

X-TubeProcessor_Smart by HTI Automation

The smart solution for filling and labeling your HPLC, cryo and micro tubes

From opening to closing. Free your laboratory from monotonous work

laboratory robots

LH-5000 by LABOMATIC Instruments

Capacity meets technology in liquid handling

How to increase your efficiency in drug development

liquid handling systems
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