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Buy Apoptosis

Purchase apoptosis the easy way: Discover all products and suppliers for the life science industry. Find out product prices easily by requesting a quote. Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected apoptosis by supplier.

Apoptosis at a glance

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ZE5 Cell Analyzer by Bio-Rad Laboratories

Fast and precise flow cytometry for high-throughput analyses

Reduce labour and increase productivity in drug discovery

Analyze more, faster- Less time to results without losing data, sensitive and flexible ✓ Reduced workload - Less training needed, be productive more quickly, perfect for core labs ✓ Automation ready - Turnkey or custom solutions, support for operation in regulated environments ✓

flow cytometers cell analyzers cytometers
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Ampha X30 by Amphasys

Ampha X30 Single-Cell Analyzer: for the fast and accurate cell analysis

Efficient cell analysis of viability, count and cell status – without dyes, markers, and incubation

One instrument, four chips – analysis of all cells (1µm - 50µm) ✓ Reuse of cells after measurement for sorting and tissue culture ✓ Atline analysis with direct sampling possible ✓

cell analyzers analyzers microfluidic chips
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