CyBio FeliX
Automation of Cellular Assays
Save lab space and time
Reliability, robustness and precision
Cost efficient

Flexible Pipetting Platform for Fully Automated Single to Multichannel Liquid Handling
Features - Flexible pipettor with 1 to 384 channels with automatic loading of pipetting tools - Unique and compact deck design, 12 positions on 2 levels - Patent pending CHOICETM technology for pipetting from 500 nl to1 ml - Highest precision and accuracy for various applicatios in all formats - Closed stand-alone system or as an open system for placing in laminar flow hood and integration The CyBio FeliX offers maximum performance for the automation of your cellular assays such as media exchange, cell seeding, ADME/Tox, transfection and cell-based screening. The precision and reliable functionality of the CyBio FeliX was exemplified in the automation of a Cisbio HTRF cellular phospho-assay. CyBio FeliX is a flexible and compact liquid handling platform for single to multichannel pipetting on the smallest footprint of 650 x 450 mm. HTRF cellular kinase phospho-assays provide an ideal phosphodetection readout enabling screening of signaling processes in cells – easily automatable on the CyBio FeliX.

CyBio Felix

CyBio Felix

CyBio Felix
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Pipetting robots: CyBio FeliX
Automation of Cellular Assays