

ECIS® Z-Theta von Applied BioPhysics

Impedance measurement of cell cultures

Dunn Labortechnik GmbH

Cells are incubated continuously

Measurement and data acquisition in real time

Label-free method of cell observation

Launch date: 20-Jan-2025
ECIS® Z-Theta with 96-well Array Station New
16-well Array Station New
ECIS® Z-Theta with TEERZ-Station New
TEERZ Cartridge New
8-well Array with one gold electrode per well New
ECIS® Z-Theta with 96-well Array Station
16-well Array Station
ECIS® Z-Theta with TEERZ-Station
TEERZ Cartridge
8-well Array with one gold electrode per well

Observe your cells in a completely new way

Applied BioPhysics is known for Electric Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) for non-invasive and label-free monitoring of cells. They offer the system Z-Theta which measures impedance and capacity via gold electrodes in cell cultures.

In addition, a wide range of accessories such as 8-, 96-, flow or special arrays which are equipped with 1, 10 or inter-digitated finger electrodes.

A specific tool of ECIS for wound healing is integrated in the user-friendly software of the device. High currencies for a defined period of time are applied to kill the cells on the electrode. If these voltages are applied for a very short period even electroporation methods are possible.

Latest addition is the TEERZ-device which allows measurement of TEER in standard plates with filter inserts. Cartridges with electrode pins enable analysing barrier function of endothelial and epithelial cells.

ECIS® Z-Theta with 96-well Array Station


ECIS® Z-Theta with 96-well Array Station

16-well Array Station


16-well Array Station

ECIS® Z-Theta with TEERZ-Station


ECIS® Z-Theta with TEERZ-Station

TEERZ Cartridge


TEERZ Cartridge

8-well Array with one gold electrode per well


8-well Array with one gold electrode per well

Request information about ECIS® Z-Theta von Applied BioPhysics now

ECIS® Z-Theta with 96-well Array Station

Impedanzanalysatoren: ECIS® Z-Theta von Applied BioPhysics

Impedance measurement of cell cultures

Dunn Labortechnik GmbH
All about Dunn

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Topic world Cell culture technology

Cell culture technology is a central pillar in biotechnological and pharmaceutical research and development. It enables the growth and maintenance of cells under controlled laboratory conditions, providing a window into the molecular and cellular processes of life.

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Topic world Cell culture technology

Topic world Cell culture technology

Cell culture technology is a central pillar in biotechnological and pharmaceutical research and development. It enables the growth and maintenance of cells under controlled laboratory conditions, providing a window into the molecular and cellular processes of life.

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