Starlab Vortex Mixer
The Starlab Vortex Mixer. Good vibrations. Great results
Glove compatible touch screen
Precise speed range, 300 to 3,500 rpm
One-touch pre-set options for speed / time

Love at first vibe
Love at first vibe! With its stylish, compact design and unique touch screen, the Starlab Vortex Mixer is the perfect bench partner for your lab.
The unique glove compatible touchscreen provides precise speed settings from 300 to 3.500 rpm, for the gentle mixing of samples right up to vigorous vortex mixing and the resuspending of cells or chemical pellets. Using the time settings, the exact mixing duration can be defined and the timer will count down, when no time is set, the timer will count-up! The one-touch start-stop and the quick selection from preset speed and time settings provide fast change of vortexing parameters for the busy lab. Speed and time settings can also be changed during operation.
Finally, the large surface area of the standard attachment allows different shaped tubes and containers to be vortexed, whilst the recessed center provides the benefits associated with traditional, cup-style attachments. Additional adapters for use in continuous mode are also available for microplates and 1.5/2.0 ml tubes.

Starlab Vortex with standard attachment

Starlab Vortex with plate attachment

Starlab Vortex with tube attachment

Starlab Vortex with plugs
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Vortex mixers: Starlab Vortex Mixer
The Starlab Vortex Mixer. Good vibrations. Great results