Laser scanning microscopes:


Elevate Your Imaging with New FLUOVIEW Laser Scanning Microscope System


FLUOVIEW™ FV4000 confocal laser scanning microscope

Introducing the FLUOVIEW FV4000 confocal laser scanning microscope and FV4000MPE multiphoton laser scanning microscope, featuring groundbreaking advancements in imaging technology that empower researchers to make new scientific discoveries. Designed to redefine scientific imaging, the FV4000 and FV4000MPE microscopes deliver higher precision, reduced noise and improved sensitivity, setting a new standard for image acquisition and data reliability.

At the core of both new FLUOVIEW systems is Evident’s revolutionary SilVIR detector, a next-generation technology that enables researchers to achieve quantitative image data. With its combined silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) and patented digital signal processing technologies, the SilVIR detector offers exceptional noise reduction and enhanced photon detection efficiency for a wider wavelength range, delivering clearer, more accurate imaging results and quantitative image intensity data

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FLUOVIEW™ FV4000 confocal laser scanning microscope

Laser scanning microscopes: FLUOVIEW FV4000

Elevate Your Imaging with New FLUOVIEW Laser Scanning Microscope System

All about EVIDENT

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