UV Mini-Spectrometer C16767MA
UV-sensitive model of mini-spectrometer micro series

The C16767MA separates UV light in the range of 190 to 440 nm into multiple wavelengths and then simultaneously measures the light intensity at each wavelength. As one example for an application, the C16767MA can be mounted in compact water quality monitors. Installing these monitors in rivers, lakes or oceans allows inspecting and analyzing the content of multiple types of pollutants in water via absorption spectrophotometry .It also assists in designing and manufacturing inexpensive water quality monitors that are easily installable in large numbers at many testing sites to monitor water quality, thus improving the accuracy of water quality assessment over broad-ranging areas.
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UV spectrometers: UV Mini-Spectrometer C16767MA
UV-sensitive model of mini-spectrometer micro series
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Topic world Photometry
Photometry, the measurement of light intensity in relation to interaction with molecules, is a key tool in chemistry and life sciences. It enables researchers to determine concentrations of substances in solutions, follow reaction kinetics or check the quality of samples and provides valuable data for analyses, from quality control in the laboratory to clinical diagnostics.

Topic world Photometry
Photometry, the measurement of light intensity in relation to interaction with molecules, is a key tool in chemistry and life sciences. It enables researchers to determine concentrations of substances in solutions, follow reaction kinetics or check the quality of samples and provides valuable data for analyses, from quality control in the laboratory to clinical diagnostics.