Biometra TSC ThermoShaker
Versatile thermomixer with variable mixing frequency and cooling for precise lab work
Interchangeable block modules for different sample volumes
Thermomixer, blender and incubator in one unit
Easy to operate and quiet in operation

Compact and intuitive thermomixer for liquid samples in microlitre vessels
What does Biometra TSC ThermoShaker offer you:
• Thermomixer with heating and cooling function
• variable mixing frequency: 250 rpm to 1,400 rpm
• active cooling with Peltier technology: temperature setting range from + 4 °C to + 100 °C
• five exchangeable block modules for 0.2 ml, 0.5 ml, 1.5 ml, 2.0 ml and 96 well microtitre plates (PCR plates)
• High-quality and quiet motor
• Timer function, acoustic signal and automatic switch-off
• Small footprint: footprint 205 mm × 230 mm (W × D)
• Low-voltage power supply for safe work in cold rooms or incubators

Biometra TSC ThermoShaker

Biometra TSC ThermoShaker

Biometra TSC ThermoShaker
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Thermo shakers: Biometra TSC ThermoShaker
Versatile thermomixer with variable mixing frequency and cooling for precise lab work