SPEX 6875D Freezer / Mill® cryogenic grinder
Revolutionary cryogenic mill for effortless comminution and homogenization in the laboratory - Perfect results for difficult samples

Comminuting and homogenizing soft, flexible or heat-sensitive materials in the laboratory can be challenging. Conventional methods often reach their limits when it comes to samples such as polymers, foodstuffs, biological samples or active pharmaceutical ingredients. But with the ingenious grinding principle of the SPEX 6875D Freezer/Mill®, this is no longer a problem.
The grinding container, equipped with sample and a magnetizable grinding tool, is inserted into the mill. The mill is enclosed by two magnetic coils and is immersed in liquid nitrogen during the grinding process. This cools and embrittles the sample while continuously grinding the sample at a constant low temperature. The sample does not come into direct contact with the nitrogen, allowing contamination-free operation.
The mill features an LCD touchscreen that allows all grinding parameters to be easily entered. Grinding programs can be stored and automatically recalled, allowing short set-up times and reproducible results. The magnetic grinding tool means there is no mechanical stress on the mill, minimizing wear.
Safety devices immediately shut down the mill if the lid is opened during grinding or if the nitrogen level is too low. The mill can be connected directly to a nitrogen tank with the 6820 Auto-Fill System to ensure a constant nitrogen flow. Alternatively, filling can be done manually.
The mill has two grinding chambers and can accommodate different grinding vessels, depending on capacity and material. Additional chambers above the grinding chambers allow pre-cooling of already prepared grinding vessels.
The SPEX 6875D Freezer/Mill® is the ultimate solution for sample preparation when conventional methods fail. Experience the efficiency and precision of this unique cryogenic mill.
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Cryomills: SPEX 6875D Freezer / Mill® cryogenic grinder
Revolutionary cryogenic mill for effortless comminution and homogenization in the laboratory - Perfect results for difficult samples