CTech SoloVPE
CTech SoloVPE System – Variable Pathlength Spectroscopy for Rapid Concentration Measurement

The CTech SoloVPE System leverages the power and flexibility of variable pathlength technology to create a rapid, robust, and repeatable concentration measurement method for proteins, plasmid DNA and other nucleic acid modalities, with results in minutes, not hours.
Traditional UV-Vis spectrophotometers require a number of operator steps to measure concentration and generate a single absorbance point. The SoloVPE System using variable pathlength technology generates multiple auto-calibrated measurements of undiluted, true material for an accurate slope-based concentration result.
The system’s slope-based measurement, confirmed with R2 ≥ 0.999, reduces potential user error and ensures accurate results. Proven repeatability of ±2% from system-to-system, operator-to-operator, and site-to-site for a wide range of sample concentrations (0.01-300 mg/mL)
Request information about CTech SoloVPE now

Spectrophotometers: CTech SoloVPE
CTech SoloVPE System – Variable Pathlength Spectroscopy for Rapid Concentration Measurement