Mini centrifuges:

Starlab Minizentrifuge

The Starlab Minicentrifuge - ahead of the curve

STARLAB International GmbH

Starlab Minicentrifuge with open magnetic lid

The Starlab Minicentrifuge has a compact footprint that makes it the perfect personal bench partner for the everyday task of quickly spinning down your samples. It’s so easy to use! Just load your samples, close the lid and you're spinning! To end the cycle, touch the Stop button to hit the brakes and release the magnetic lid lock. We even ensured your samples aren't left behind! Should there be a power cut, the lid will automatically unlock so your precious samples are not trapped inside. We really have thought of everything!

The Minicentrifuge is compatible with a large selection of tubes and is supplied with both an 8-place tube rotor and a PCR strip rotor. Up to eight individual 1.5/2.0 ml microcentrifuge tubes can be processed using the tube rotor. 0.5 ml and 0.2 ml tubes can also be accommodated with the aid of the adapters supplied with the Minicentrifuge. The PCR strip rotor is intended for the centrifugation of up to four 8-tube PCR strips or 32 individual 0.2 ml tubes. Users can easily change rotors at the workstation without any tools. Multi-function at its finest!

Request information about Starlab Minizentrifuge now

Starlab Minicentrifuge with open magnetic lid

Mini centrifuges: Starlab Minizentrifuge

The Starlab Minicentrifuge - ahead of the curve

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