Thermo Fisher Scientific


Discrete analysers:

Thermo Scientific Gallery Enzyme Master Enzyme Analyzer

Efficiently manage enzyme assays and measuring conditions for consistent and reliable performance

Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH

Gallery Enzyme Master Enzyme Analyzer

Measuring enzyme parameters using UV-VIS spectrophotometry can be slow-going. Why settle for low-throughput when you can accelerate speed through automation?

With the Thermo Scientific Gallery Enzyme Master discrete enzyme analyzer, samples are simultaneously prepared and waiting in the queue—delivering results one after another. With custom designed software, all reagent additions, incubations, and measurements are fully automated, which saves time, eliminates manual error, and improves method robustness.

Method development starts with identifying the key method variables through design of experiment (DoE), which requires many sets of samples to be tested for enzyme activities. Flexible method parameters for each enzyme type: measuring wavelength, blank measurement, buffer addition, reagents additions, substrate addition, enzyme specific incubation temperature, enzyme specific incubation time and data collection duration all make the enzyme assay method development and method transfer simpler and reliable from research and development (R&D) to QA/QC labs. 

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Gallery Enzyme Master Enzyme Analyzer

Discrete analysers: Thermo Scientific Gallery Enzyme Master Enzyme Analyzer

Efficiently manage enzyme assays and measuring conditions for consistent and reliable performance

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Topic world Photometry

Photometry, the measurement of light intensity in relation to interaction with molecules, is a key tool in chemistry and life sciences. It enables researchers to determine concentrations of substances in solutions, follow reaction kinetics or check the quality of samples and provides valuable data for analyses, from quality control in the laboratory to clinical diagnostics.

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Topic world Photometry

Topic world Photometry

Photometry, the measurement of light intensity in relation to interaction with molecules, is a key tool in chemistry and life sciences. It enables researchers to determine concentrations of substances in solutions, follow reaction kinetics or check the quality of samples and provides valuable data for analyses, from quality control in the laboratory to clinical diagnostics.

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