Gekühlte Tischzentrifuge Sigma 4-5KL
More space on your laboratory bench – most compact refrigerated centrifuge in its class

The high-performance Sigma 4-5KL laboratory centrifuge is designed for throughput and capacity. The hight torque enables especially short acceleration times and makes laboratory processes efficient.
With a temperature adjustment range of –10°C to +40°C the refrigerated version Sigma 4-5KL is recommended for the protection of specimens with especially sensitive limit temperatures.
The Sigma 4 5KL also boasts a low noise level and an extensive range of accessories. The Sigma 4-5KL refrigerated centrifuge is recommended for all applications in which the room temperature must be maintained. To save energy and reduce costs, the refrigerated centrifuge offers the ECO mode feature. After a user-settable time, the centrifuge automatically switches to standby mode if it is not being used. Along with being energy efficient, this improves the working atmosphere in the lab by switching off the refrigeration to significantly reduce the noise level. The refrigerated centrifuge has a very small footprint and offers good value for money. The Sigma 4 5KL is also available as an IVD model.
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Bench top centrifuges: Gekühlte Tischzentrifuge Sigma 4-5KL
More space on your laboratory bench – most compact refrigerated centrifuge in its class
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Topic world Diagnostics
Diagnostics is at the heart of modern medicine and forms a crucial interface between research and patient care in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. It not only enables early detection and monitoring of disease, but also plays a central role in individualized medicine by enabling targeted therapies based on an individual's genetic and molecular signature.

Topic world Diagnostics
Diagnostics is at the heart of modern medicine and forms a crucial interface between research and patient care in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. It not only enables early detection and monitoring of disease, but also plays a central role in individualized medicine by enabling targeted therapies based on an individual's genetic and molecular signature.