
Platform shakers:


Overcome the limitations of shake flask cultivation and speed up development

HiTec Zang GmbH

Continuous monitoring - Record the respiratory activity of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells online

Efficient development - 8 online monitoring stations help you speed up development

Compact design - Reproduce the processes of customary bioreactors in parallel on a smaller scale

Batch or fed-batch cultivation of aerobes and anaerobes ...
Simple determination of characteristic parameters (OTR, ...
Phototrophic microorganisms can also be optimally cultiv ...
Batch or fed-batch cultivation of aerobes and anaerobes ...
Simple determination of characteristic parameters (OTR, ...
Phototrophic microorganisms can also be optimally cultiv ...

Fed-batch cultivation and online monitoring for up to 8 shake flasks on the smallest of footprints

RAMOS puts an end to the limitations of shake flask cultivation. From bioprocess development and optimization to screening, toxicity and validation studies, the compact RAMOS cultivation system is your reliable and robust partner.

Easily determine respiratory activity and other growth kinetics parameters, such as O2 and CO2 transfer rates, biomass growth, respiration rate and substrate affinity coefficient, all under sterile conditions.

RAMOS lets you develop the scale-up from bioassays to biotechnological production process on a smaller scale, saving you time and space for your daily lab routines.

Integrate monitoring directly into your laboratory software, for example LabVision, and process your results in a program you are familiar with.

Benefit from unbeatable value for money and start today with bioprocess optimisation in a shake flask format.

Do you have questions about this product or its applications?
Contact us, we will be happy to help you.

Get in touch
Batch or fed-batch cultivation of aerobes and anaerobes ...


Batch or fed-batch cultivation of aerobes and anaerobes with online monitoring on the smallest of footprints

Simple determination of characteristic parameters (OTR, ...


Simple determination of characteristic parameters (OTR, CTR, RQ, μmax)

Phototrophic microorganisms can also be optimally cultiv ...


Phototrophic microorganisms can also be optimally cultivated with RAMOS®

Request information about RAMOS now

Batch or fed-batch cultivation of aerobes and anaerobes with online monitoring on the smallest of footprints

Platform shakers: RAMOS

Overcome the limitations of shake flask cultivation and speed up development

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