Thermo Fisher Scientific


HPLC detectors:

Charged Aerosol Detectors

Thermo Scientific™ Charged Aerosol Detectors: See what you've been missing - Hidden peaks revealed

Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH

Thermo Scientific Corona Veo Charged Aerosol Detector integrates into any LC, HPLC, or UHPLC from any manufacturer

The problem with almost every other type of detector is that there is a bias. The bias might be that one analyte responds more than another or that mobile phase affects detection differently. A charged aerosol detector measures analyte charge that is in direct proportion to the amount of the analyte present.
Thermo Scientific™ charged aerosol detectors can be used with the most up-to-date liquid chromatography instruments to measure analytes that cannot be seen by UV and may not be readily detected with other detection techniques, including molecules without chromophores.

Features include:

  • Ability to detect non-volatile and many semi-volatile analytes
  • Consistent response independent of chemical structure
  • For HPLC and UHPLC
  • Compatibility with gradient conditions
  • Sub-nanogram sensitivity
  • Simple and straightforward implementation in any lab setting

This uncomplicated technique can both increase the efficiency of existing analytical operations and open up entirely new possibilities by exploiting a range of analytes unnoticed by other techniques.

Request information about Charged Aerosol Detectors now

Thermo Scientific Corona Veo Charged Aerosol Detector integrates into any LC, HPLC, or UHPLC from any manufacturer

HPLC detectors: Charged Aerosol Detectors

Thermo Scientific™ Charged Aerosol Detectors: See what you've been missing - Hidden peaks revealed

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Topic world HPLC

HPLC is a key technology in modern analytical chemistry. It enables the separation, identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures with high precision and efficiency. Whether in the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the quality control of foodstuffs or the examination of biological samples - HPLC is often the method of choice for demanding separation tasks.

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Topic world HPLC

Topic world HPLC

HPLC is a key technology in modern analytical chemistry. It enables the separation, identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures with high precision and efficiency. Whether in the analysis of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the quality control of foodstuffs or the examination of biological samples - HPLC is often the method of choice for demanding separation tasks.

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