Cell culture systems:

Stat Profile Prime CCS Comp

Simplicity in Cell Culture Monitoring

Nova Biomedical GmbH

Stat Profile Prime CCS Comp

Stat Profile Prime is a cell culture chemistry monitoring solution allowing to simplify workflows.

Through focusing on key bloodgas parameters cost effective analysis is enabled.

The test panel comprises 9 key parameterts: pH, PCO2, PO2, Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++, Glu and Lac.

High throughput of 45 samples per hour combined with constant readiness through automated calibration and QC eliminating sample-to-sample delay, allow for leaner workflows.

Zero Maintenance Cartridge Technology allows to safe time as no maintenance is required. 

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Stat Profile Prime CCS Comp

Cell culture systems: Stat Profile Prime CCS Comp

Simplicity in Cell Culture Monitoring

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Topic world Cell culture technology

Cell culture technology is a central pillar in biotechnological and pharmaceutical research and development. It enables the growth and maintenance of cells under controlled laboratory conditions, providing a window into the molecular and cellular processes of life.

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Topic world Cell culture technology

Topic world Cell culture technology

Cell culture technology is a central pillar in biotechnological and pharmaceutical research and development. It enables the growth and maintenance of cells under controlled laboratory conditions, providing a window into the molecular and cellular processes of life.

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