Analyzers - 14 News

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Analyzers - 14 News

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These products might interest you


LUMiSizer by LUM

The Versatile Particle and Dispersion Analyser: At-Line, in the Process and in the Laboratory

Comprehensive analysis of nano / microparticles & their interactions in dispersions with 1 instrument

nanoparticle analyzers
qTOWER iris

qTOWER iris by Analytik Jena

Real-time PCR thermal cycler qTOWER iris

Feel Free to Explore!

real-time PCR thermocyclers
qTOWER³ auto

qTOWER³ auto by Analytik Jena

Real-time PCR - fully automated for maximum efficiency

Compact, reliable and cost-effective qPCR thermal cycler for high throughput

real-time PCR thermocyclers
LUMiReader PSA

LUMiReader PSA by LUM

Real-Time Characterization of Particles and Dispersions in Micro and Nano Range in Colani Design

Particle Size Distribution, Density, Magnetophoretic Velocity, Hansen Parameters, Real-Time Stability

particle analyzers

LUMiFuge® by LUM

Fast and accurate analysis of dispersion stability from 4°C to 60°C

Precise results for up to 8 dispersions simultaneously

stability analyzers
2060 The NIR-R Analyzer

2060 The NIR-R Analyzer by Metrohm

Efficient inline analysis for liquids and solids

Versatile NIR analyzer for real-time process control

NIR spectrometers
2060 Raman Analyzer

2060 Raman Analyzer by Metrohm

Revolutionize your production: real-time Raman analysis for maximum efficiency

Self-monitoring high-throughput spectrometer: efficient process control in any process environment

Raman spectrometers
CyBio FeliX

CyBio FeliX by Analytik Jena

Automation of Cellular Assays

Flexible Pipetting Platform for Fully Automated Single to Multichannel Liquid Handling

pipetting robots
Ampha X30

Ampha X30 by Amphasys

Ampha X30 Single-Cell Analyzer: for the fast and accurate cell analysis

Efficient cell analysis of viability, count and cell status – without dyes, markers, and incubation

cell analyzers
Octet R2 / Octet R4 / Octet R8

Octet R2 / Octet R4 / Octet R8 by Sartorius

Full power on 2, 4 or 8 channels: Label-free and GxP-compliant analysis of molecular interactions

Innovative label-free real-time protein quantification, binding kinetics and rapid screenings

protein analyzers
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