Vantia Therapeutics’ pipeline continues to mature

VA106483 completes Phase IIa trial and VA111913 completes Phase I dosing

26-Mar-2009 - United Kingdom

Vantia Therapeutics announced further clinical trial progress with its two lead development compounds, VA106483 for nocturia associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and VA111913 for dysmenorrhoea. The Phase IIa trial of VA106483 has completed, while dosing is complete in the Phase I trial of VA111913.

Following the completion of the 27-patient Phase IIa trial of VA106483, a vasopressin agonist, results are expected in H1 2009, with the Phase IIb study expected to start in the second half of the year. Up to 200 males with nocturia are expected to be involved in this dose-finding placebo-controlled study, which is expected to complete in the first half of 2010.

Given Vantia Therapeutics’ strategy of developing products to the end of proof of concept/Phase IIb trials, the product is expected to be outlicensed for further development after the Phase IIb results. Nocturia in BPH is believed to represent a potential market in excess of $1bn, and VA106483’s potential in follow-on indications such as overactive bladder and general nocturia could add significant extra value.

The Phase I trial for VA111913 has recruited the last of its 99 volunteers, and is also expected to report data in H1 2009. Phase IIa trials are expected to start in the second half of this year, involving over 100 patients and completing in H2 2010. VA111913 is a vasopressin antagonist, with dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation) believed to represent a multibillion dollar market for which there is currently no targeted therapy.

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