Shardna discovered a gene involved in Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA)
The researchers working at Shardna Life Sciences have discovered a gene involved in Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) or Male Pattern Baldness. This gene is called EDA2R and is located on chromosome X, so it is inherited from mother to son.
This study is part of the Ogliastra project which involves studying 10 Ogliastra villages: Talana, Baunei, Triei, Urzulei, Loceri, Usassai, Seui, Seulo, Perdasdefogu ed Escalaplano. AGA affects about 50% of the Italian male population and is for many a serious concern especially psychologically and aesthetically.
The study has involved about 800 bald man that have started to loose their hair young. Shardna is conducting further studies to clarify the function of this gene and to discover other factors, both genetic and environmental, which predispose to baldness. This discovery opens new paths to more effective therapies and to understand better the mechanisms which regulate hair loss.
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