First Metformin gum patent granted to Generex Biotechnology


Generex Biotechnology Corporation announced that it has been granted the first patent for its medicinal gum platform titled "Compositions for Oral Transmucosal Delivery of Metformin". The patent covers claims to the composition, processes, and methodologies for the delivery of an oral transmucosal metformin composition via the oral mucosal membrane for absorption.

This patent was issued by the Lebanese Ministry of National Economy Intellectual Property Protection Office. As a consequence of Lebanon's accession to the international Patent Co-operation Treaty, this patent will open the door to further filings in the other PCT signatory countries.

Metformin is a generic drug used to regulate blood glucose (sugar) levels by reducing the amount of glucose produced by the liver, and by making the insulin produced by the body work more effectively to reduce the amount of glucose already in the blood.

The patent, relates to an oral transmucosal metformin composition comprising a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier being capable of delivering a pharmaceutically effective amount of metformin to the oral mucosal membrane for absorption.

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