bioLytical on-board with HIV strategy that could significantly reduce prevalence


bioLytical(TM) laboratories intends to partner with Dr. Julio Montaner, Director of the BC Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS with the development and implementation of a new HIV strategy unveiled recently to help reduce the transmission rate of HIV.

"A key element of Dr. Montaner's strategy is to identify those infected with HIV and don't know it through a massive increase in point of care testing for the virus. We manufacture INSTI under very strict standards right here in British Columbia. Our product is fully approved by Health Canada for HIV point of care testing, and is available for use as soon as a strategic program is implemented. bioLytical Laboratories is committed to the control of this virus, and supports the research and initiatives of Dr. Montaner on all levels," says Matthew Clayton, Chief Operating Officer for bioLytical Laboratories.

INSTI is positioned to be an integral part of Dr. Montaner's prevention strategy. The availability for point of care HIV testing can serve as the starting point for the immediate entry of individuals into a treatment program aimed at reducing transmission of HIV. Rapid testing, along with the new highly effective one-pill-a-day, fixed-dose, drug combination represents a unique opportunity to expand local and global HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy) programs and potentially control and reduce the global growth pandemic.

According to BioLytical, INSTI(TM) is a highly effective and reliable rapid HIV test that detects the presence of antibodies to HIV in whole blood, serum or plasma in 60 seconds. It has a 99.96% accuracy rate, as demonstrated in one of the most extensive clinical trials ever conducted.

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