BDS INTERNATIONAL renews licence to import Bovine Serum Albumin from Bovogen Biologicals Pty, Australia
Schwetzingen. BDS INTERNATIONAL Diagnostics GmbH is pleased to announce the renewal of its licence to import the Bovine serum albumin products of BOVOGEN BIOLOGICALS Pty. Ltd. (Essendon, Victoria, AUSTRALIA) for sale to manufacturers of products for in-vitro diagnostics, cell culture, biomedical research etc. Under the terms of their agreement BDS identifies and supports customers of Bovogen Biologicals throughout Europe and world-wide.
BDS INTERNATIONAL is the ISO-9001: 2000-certified "out-sourced international sales office" representing a select group of manufacturers in the in-vitro diagnostic and medical device fields. BDS' wide-spread contacts in the healthcare sector have enabled them to contact a large number of manufacturers on behalf of Bovogen since June 2003. According to Mrs Birgitt Skinner, Managing Director of BDS INTERNATIONAL, "With reports of incidents of BSE or "Mad Cow Disease" in North American cattle stocks (the source of almost all commercially available BSA), interest in Bovogen's product from BSE-free Australia for use in cell-culture, the manufacture of in-vitro diagnostics, and related fields is soaring. BDS is pleased to be positioned to respond to this growing demand, and are proud to have Bovogen with its unique and high-quality products in the group of companies that we represent".
Bovogen Biologicals Pty. Ltd. was established in April 2001, to develop a proprietary manufacturing process for high quality bovine serum albumin (BSA). The company has demonstrated a capacity to manufacture BSA of high quality in bulk against low overheads. According to Mr Rick Clements, Managing Director of Bovogen, "Australia's BSE free status has been internationally recognized with the European Scientific Steering Committee's highest category (Category One) of BSE-freedom - one of only a few countries to claim this status. By using only Australian-sourced bovine blood plasma, Bovogen eliminates the risk of contamination by Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and other significant diseases found in North American cattle populations. In addition, Australia is free of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in it's indigenous animal herds with the US recognising Australia and New Zealand as being the only countries free of scrapie (another transmissible encephalopathy) in sheep. Bovogen offers a true alternative to the usual sources of BSA. For example Bovogen's flagship BSA product, BovoStar, combines the specifications of several different competitive products in one "Premium Grade" product. BovoStar BSA is low endotoxin, fatty acid-free, immunoglobulin-free, and protease-free. We are very pleased to have BDS INTERNATIONAL promoting our products to the international manufacturing and life science communities".
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