More research on the protection of test animals needed
BfR recommends further development of the 3R principle on the occasion of World Laboratory Animal Day
The third law amending the animal protection law came into force in Germany on 13 July 2013. This law implements on a national level the goals of European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. These goals include implementation of the 3R principle and the promotion and development of alternative methods. ZEBET has been promoting research projects in Germany at the BfR since 1990, as well as conducting its own research on the development and validation of alternative methods to animal testings. Several of these new methods have already received international recognition and been anchored in the directives of the EU and OECD as official test methods. ZEBET has been particularly involved with alternative methods for testing the tolerance of cosmetics on the skin and in the eyes. Today, reconstructed human skin can be used instead of rabbits. In addition to this, ZEBET scientists are developing alternative methods for predicting develo pmental toxicity properties: with the help of embryonic stem cells, they examine whether chemicals and drugs could harm embryos if used during pregnancy.
Within the scope of the third law amending the animal protection law, lawmakers have given the BfR the legal mandate to publish anonymously, generally understandable, non-technical project summaries of authorized animal experiment projects in Germany. The AnimalTestInfo database makes these generally understandable project summaries available to the general public. It contains all of the projects which were applied for by the scientific research institutes of the universities, as well as industrial enterprises and federal government bodies, and being authorized by the competent authorities of each federal state. The new database provides the BfR with important information about future research areas for alternative methods, because the fundamental goal remains to replace animal testing to the greatest possible extent.