The pirate in the microbe
© University of Cologne
The model of one-dimensional tug-of-war cannot be simply expanded
Not only the decisions of some bacteria on which direction to travel end in a tug-of-war. Cells also use this mechanism to determine where to transport enzymes and other biological molecules. The spindle apparatus, along which chromosomes align during cellular division, also engages in a kind of intracellular athletic contest. Within a cell, the tug-of-war usually involves pulling in opposite directions, such as teams have done since antiquity. Biophysicists have a very good understanding of this one-dimensional case. But Neisseria gonorrhoeae is different. “Until now, there has only been a model for a one-dimensional tug-of-war in cells,” says Stefan Klumpp. “If we simply expand this model to two dimensions, the theoretical predictions do not agree with the experimentally observed behaviour of the bacteria.”
In a one-dimensional tug-of-war, the side that gets the upper hand and the direction in which cargo is transported are determined by a random process. Extended to two dimensions, this would mean that N. gonorrhoeae must constantly change its direction once it has extended one of its grappling hooks a certain distance and retracted it again, thus hauling itself forward. “However, in our experiments we observed that the bacterium keeps moving in the same direction for more than one pilus length,” says Berenike Maier, who heads the experimental part of the study at Cologne University. She and her colleagues observed the microbes creeping across protein-coated glass plates. They also observed how the bacteria are able to tug tiny beads out of the focus of laser tweezers with astonishing physical strength.
Mechanical memory of the movement direction
Based on the experimental findings, Stefan Klumpp and his colleagues have developed a computer model that realistically describes the paths the bacteria take. “We’ve discovered two mechanisms that impart directional memory to the bacterium when it is travelling along a straight line,” says the scientist. “When we incorporate these into our model, we find that the results agree very well with the experimentally observed behaviour.”
Together with Alexander Schmidt of the Center for Molecular Biology of Inflammation at the University of Münster (ZMBE), the researchers discovered that the bacterium extends a bundle consisting of two or three pili in the same direction. This increases the likelihood that the microbe will consecutively use multiple pili in the bacterial tug-of-war, thus enabling it to continue moving in the same direction. The odds of this happening are also increased because, having reached a site at which it has just retracted a pilus, the bacterium is immediately able to extend another one in the same direction. This is made possible by a protein complex on the cell wall which continuously assembles bacterial grappling hooks from its constituent elements. After reeling in a pilus, it is able to extend a new pilus in the same direction. “The directional memory of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is therefore based on purely mechanical processes,” says Berenike Maier.
An understanding of microbe’s movement could lead to new therapeutic approaches
The researchers suspect that other bacteria – at least those with a roundish shape that form pili in all directions – increase their step length in a similar fashion. Rod-shaped microbes, by contrast, only extend their motility organs from their two ends and control their path biochemically. However, biochemical signals also play a role in the movement of N. gonorrhoeae: “Biochemical signals probably enable the bacterium to shorten its step length at a potential site of infection, says Stefan Klumpp. In those situations, the microbes rarely form mini-bundles. This helps prevent them from crawling right past a port of entry into the cell.
A detailed understanding of how infectious microbes move with the help of their pili could also bring medical benefits. For example, it could identify possible sites of attack for new antibiotics, because only if the pathogens are able to use their grappling hooks in the usual manner are they able to capture a host cell.