Analytik Jena announces group figures for the first half of the financial year 2012/2013

10-May-2013 - Germany

Analytik Jena AG (AJA) closed the first half of the financial year 2012/2013 with consolidated revenue of EUR 46.9 m and thus generated 2.0 % more than in the previous year. The manufacturer of analytical instrumentation technology, life science instruments and optoelectronics achieved an EBITDA totaling EUR 4.7 m (previous year: EUR 5.3 m) and an operating profit (EBIT) of EUR 2.6 m (previous year: EUR 3.3 m). In the second quarter Analytik Jena was in the line of its forecast and reached results at previous year's level concerning revenue and operating profit.

"The international business again was a substantial support for the revenue development in the first half of 2012/2013. We continued to gradually expand our export and drove our internationalization strategy with structural measures. Thus we are well prepared to reach our ambitious objectives in the second half of the financial year", says Klaus Berka, CEO of Analytik Jena AG.

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