Gründer­fonds Münster­land and HTGF II In­vest in Cysal GmbH

12-Nov-2012 - Germany

As part of seed fi­nanc­ing eCAP­I­TAL en­tre­pre­neur­ial Part­ners AG’s Gründer­fonds Münster­land and High-Tech Gründer­fonds II (HTGF) have made a seven-fig­ure in­vest­ment in Cysal GmbH. The spin-off from the Uni­ver­sity of Münster (WWU) will use the funds raised to ac­cel­er­ate busi­ness de­vel­op­ment, set up bio-tech­no­log­i­cal mass pro­duc­tion of dipep­tides and launch the first fin­ished prod­ucts on the mar­ket.

“There is great world­wide de­mand for im­prov­ing the ef­fect of nu­traceu­ti­cals, an­i­mal feed, or cos­met­ics via in­no­v­a­tive sup­ple­ments. With its patented biotech­no­log­i­cal process for the pro­duc­tion of dipep­tides Cysal GmbH has a clear unique sell­ing propo­si­tion on this mar­ket,” says Mar­cel Von­nahme, In­vest­ment Man­ager of eCAP­I­TAL AG. Now, the part­ners aim to suc­cess­fully enter this grow­ing mar­ket.

Pro­teins and free amino acids are cur­rently being used in many appli­ca­tions, for in­stance in the pro­duc­tion of food sup­ple­ments or cos­met­ics. Dipep­tides, chem­i­cal com­bi­na­tions of two amino acids, are su­pe­rior to both pro­teins and amino acids in many areas of appli­ca­tion, but their chem­i­cal syn­the­sis is ex­pen­sive and time-con­sum­ing. By con­trast, Cysal pro­duces dipep­tides by means of a biotech­no­log­i­cal man­u­fac­tur­ing process which has dis­tinct ad­van-tages: “With its biotech­no­log­i­cal ex­per­tise the com­pany pos­sesses the skills re­quired to pro­duce these sub­stances quicker, in­ex­pen­sively and more re­source ef­fi­ciently than is the case in con­ven­tional pro­duc­tion meth­ods,” ex­plains Von­nahme.

Cysal has de­vel­oped bac­te­r­ial strains that can pro­duce cyanophycin (CGP) on an in­dus­trial scale within a short pe­riod of time – on a purely bi­o­log­i­cal basis. In na­ture this process takes place, for ex­am­ple, in blue-green algae (cyanobac­te­ria), but yields are too low for com­mer­cial ex­ploita­tion.

Cysal sub­se­quently ex­tracts argi­nine-as­par­tate and ly­sine-as­par­tate dipep­tides from CGP. Un­like other in­dus­trial prod­ucts con­sist­ing of only amino acids or mix­tures, dipep­tides are chem­i­cal com­pounds com­posed of two amino acids. “Dipep­tides are con­sid­er­ably bet­ter ab­sorbed by the body than amino acids, for ex­am­ple via the in­testines or through the skin,” ex­plains Dr. Ahmed Sal­lam, Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor of Cysal GmbH.

These dipep­tides are used as base ma­te­ri­als for the pro­duc­tion of end prod­ucts. The com­pany has al­ready de­vel­oped ini­tial for­mu­las for an en­ergy tonic, a skin cream, fish feed ad­di­tives, and in­fu­sions. Ini­tial agree­ments for these prod­ucts have al­ready been con­cluded with dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ners. In ad­di­tion, mar­ket­ing of the dipep­tides as raw ma­te­ri­als in the food, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals and cos­met­ics in­dus­tries as well as out-li­cenc­ing the process is con­ceiv­able.

To­gether with eCAP­I­TAL, HTGF par­tic­i­pated to an equal ex­tent in the seed fi­nanc­ing. “Cysal has a patent-pro­tected plat­form tech­nol­ogy and dipep­tides are a rel­e­vant com­po­nent to many part­ners in the chem­i­cals in­dus­try. In ad­di­tion, this case is a good ex­am­ple of how a mar­ket-rel­e­vant prod­uct can de­velop from basic uni­ver­sity re­search,” says Dr. Matthias Dill, In­vest­ment Man­ager at High-Tech Gründer­fonds.

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